Education Scholar
Advanced Teaching Skills
for Health Professions Educators
Education Scholar is a comprehensive online program for the advancement of teaching skills, professional scholarship, and instructional improvement for educators in the health professions.
For almost two decades, faculty teaching and student learning have received increasing attention both within and outside of the college and university. Calls for greater accountability and a renewed commitment to teaching have placed additional role demands on health professions educators, who are already juggling their teaching responsibilities with expectations for excellence in the areas of service and research. While most of these educators are committed to improved student learning, many have never acquired the knowledge and skills to become exemplary teachers.
The Education Scholar Program for health professions faculty members is based upon the belief that teaching is a respected scholarly activity in the higher education community, and as such, occupies a place of honor with other faculty work and scholarship. By taking the initiative to explore this program, you have already embarked on the path to the scholarship of teaching as a faculty member.
Developed by Western University of Health Sciences and
the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
for health professions educators.