Goals and Strategies
Program Goals
The Education Scholar Program was designed to:
- Elevate teaching as a respected activity of health professions faculty through scholarly inquiry and development.
- Assist faculty in adopting successful learner-centered teaching methods.
- Promote the scholarship of teaching as integral to the faculty role.
- Help faculty master the skills necessary to document teaching/learning activities as part of their scholarly work.
- Contribute to improving the quality of teaching and learning in the health professions.
- Develop a community of like-minded educators committed to the advancement of teaching excellence.
- Expand the dialogue about teaching/learning among local faculty to the national level.
- Build a framework that will ultimately recognize teaching excellence as a positive factor in faculty rewards and careers.
Program Strategies
To help you meet the goals of the Education Scholar Program, information and learning experiences have been provided that will:
- Make current, relevant educational research and theory practical and accessible.
- Explain and model practical strategies that you can begin implementing in your teaching setting today.
- Alert you to publications, electronic resources, and education experts that will provide ongoing support for your professional development.
- Encourage you to interact with other health professions faculty who are interested in improving their teaching skills.
- Help you document your teaching experiences for the purposes of meeting continuing education, promotion, retention, or tenure requirements.
Teaching Portfolio
To support your personal and professional growth, the Education Scholar Program encourages you to use the learning opportunities presented to build or expand your own teaching portfolio.
Many college and universities now include the teaching portfolio as a requirement for annual performance evaluations and tenure and promotion reviews. Required or not, the teaching portfolio is an excellent tool for personal growth in reflecting upon student learning outcomes, teaching innovations and assessment of teaching.