JoLaine R. Draugalis, R.Ph., Ph.D.
JoLaine Reierson Draugalis, R.Ph., Ph.D. is Dean and David Ross Boyd Professor in the College of Pharmacy, University of Oklahoma, Health Sciences Center. Dr. Draugalis holds the B.S. degree in Pharmacy from Ferris State University. After practicing hospital pharmacy for six years, Dr. Draugalis entered graduate school, completing a M.Ed. in educational psychology and a Ph.D. in pharmacy (administrative and behavioral sciences) at the University of Arizona and served on the faculty from 1987-2007, most recently as Professor and Associate Dean for Assessment and Evaluation. Her research interests are in pharmaceutical education program design, administration, and evaluation; specifically with determining how resources, curricula, and academic programs are administered in pharmaceutical education as well as pursuing the definition, evaluation, and reward structures of the scholarship of teaching and learning.
Dr. Draugalis has been a very active member of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) since graduate school and was the 2004-2005 President. In 2001, she was named a fellow of the Academy of Pharmaceutical Research and Science of the American Pharmacists Association. She was a 2000-2001 Carnegie Scholar in the Carnegie Academy for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. In 2002, she was named a fellow of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists. In addition to her contribution to Module 1 of the Education Scholar Program, Dr. Draugalis has written many articles and has given numerous national presentations regarding the scholarship of teaching and learning. She has also served as an educational consultant and/or provided workshops to a number of colleges and schools of pharmacy.
- Annual and Interim Meetings, Teacher�s Seminars, and Curriculum Institutes of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
- American Association of Colleges of Nursing Master's Education Conference
- American Pharmacists Association
- American Society of Health-System Pharmacists
- American College of Clinical Pharmacy
- AACP's Rufus A. Lyman Award for the "most outstanding paper" published in the American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education during the 1989 calendar year, for "Attitudes of Pharmacy Students toward Graduate Education and Research Activities: Suggestions for Recruitment Activities, by Draugalis JR, Bootman JL, McGhan WF, and Larson LN.
- Six times named Basic Science Educator of the Year at the University of ArizonaCollege of Pharmacy (1990-2007).
- Nine Searle Fellowships in Pharmacy faculty mentor awards (1990-1997).
- American Pharmacists Association's Gloria Niemeyer Francke Leadership Mentor Award, for encouraging pharmacists to attain leadership positions through example as role model and mentor (1997).
- Leicester and Kathryn Sherrill Creative Teaching Award in recognition of excellence in the art of teaching from the University of Arizona Foundation (1998).
- Distinguished Pharmacy Educator in recognition of outstanding individual achievement in pharmaceutical education from the AACP (1998).
- The first University of Arizona Henry and Phyllis Koffler prize for teaching, in recognition of proven excellence in the classroom, demonstrated success of students, the winning of distinguished competitions, and other notable achievements in the discipline; and national recognition of teaching accomplishments (2002).
- The University of Arizona Alumni Association 2003 Extraordinary Faculty Award in recognition of bringing honor and distinction to the University.
- American Pharmacists Association Research Achievement Award in the Pharmaceutical Sciences for meritorious achievement in the economic, social, and administrative sciences (2009)
- The University of Oklahoma David Ross Boyd Professorship for meeting the highest standards of excellence in scholarship and teaching (2011)
- Draugalis JR, Carter JT, Slack MK. Survey course on research methods: integrating statistical analysis and study design. Am J Pharm Educ 1998;62:17-23.
- Draugalis JR. The scholarship of teaching: oxymoron or bull's-eye? Am J Pharm Educ 1998; 62:447-449.
- Draugalis JR, Slack MK. A continuous quality improvement model for developing innovative instructional strategies. Am J Pharm Educ 1999;63:354-358.
- Draugalis JR. Career management and personal development: the scholarship of teaching as career development. Am J Pharm Educ 1999;63:359-363.
- Draugalis JR, Carter JT, Jackson TR. Pharmaceutical education advanced pharmacy practice experience and graduate course: materials, methods, and outcomes. Am J Pharm Educ 1999;63:382-388.
- Sauer KA, Draugalis JR. Mock proposals and other group assignments: bridging didactic research evaluation skills to research applications. Am J Pharm Educ 2000;64:307-312.
- Draugalis JR. Profiles of excellence - Perspectives on an academic career at midpoint. J Pharm Teach 2002;9(1):85-95.
- Draugalis JR. Teaching award and recognition programs in U.S. schools and colleges of pharmacy. Am J Pharm Educ 2002;66:112-118.
- Draugalis JR. Back to basics: The three Rs for pharmacy faculty. Am J Pharm Educ 2004;68(3):article 82.
- Plaza CM, Draugalis JR. Keeping it Real (or Reel). Inventio 2004; 6(1): Article 12.
- Draugalis JR. Recruitment, retention, and renewal with a little respect. Am J Pharm Educ 2005; 69(5): Article 79.
- Draugalis JR, DiPiro JT, Zeolla MM, Schwinghammer TL. A career in academic pharmacy: opportunities, challenges, and rewards. Am J Pharm Educ 2006;70(1): Article 17.
- Draugalis JR, Plaza CM. Preparing graduate students for teaching and service roles in pharmacy education. Am J Pharm Educ 2007; 71(5):Article 105.